Full cream Goat milk powder

What makes full cream goat milk powder unique?
Whole goat milk powder is made from 100% fresh whole goat milk sourced in Europe, with no antibiotics, and no artificial growth hormones. This powder is produced by spray drying fresh goat milk, maintaining the same fat and protein content as the original milk. It has a deliciously smooth texture, is easy to dissolve, and does not clump.
What are the health benefits?
Whole goat milk powder is rich in essential nutrients including vitamins (A, E, B6, and B12), high in minerals (calcium, magnesium, and potassium), and healthy fats, which contributes to overall health and well-being. Its smaller, easily digestible protein and fat globules make it suitable for individuals with sensitive digestive systems or mild to moderate lactose intolerance.
Where do you use full cream goat milk powder for?
The high-fat content of full cream goat milk powder gives it a creamy taste, making it ideal for a wide range of applications in both food and non-food. It is commonly used in cheese, ice cream, chocolate, pet food, and skin care. Contact us if you’d like more detailed information on how to use!
Production of full cream goat milk powder
We produce according to high quality standards
- Produced in Europe
- EU non-gmo compliant
- Free of milk and or growth stimulating hormones
- Well defined and monitored animal welfare is in place
- Short distance from farm to processing

Getting in touch is easy!
For a free quote, product sample or answer to any question, email or call us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.